Home Inspection -
A home inspection is a non-invasive, visual examination of the accessible areas of a residential property, performed for a fee, which is designed to identify defects within specific systems and components defined by the InterNachi Standards of Practice that are both observed and deemed material by the inspector.
A home inspection is most commonly done when you are buying a house, however they can be done prior to selling to help identify needed repairs and help you and your realtor team price the house accordingly.
Your Home Inspection Report shall identify, in written format, defects within specific systems and components defined by these Standards that are both observed and deemed material by the inspector. Inspection reports may include additional comments and recommendations.
Infrared Camera Services -
Infrared cameras help inspectors see what cannot be seen with the naked eye. It helps see cold/hot spots in walls and ceilings as well as air and water penetrations around doors and windows that may look like they are installed and sealed correctly. Infrared can also show areas that have water damage, such as around toilets and under sinks that do not feel or appear wet.
Included With Home Inspection
$125 hourly rate